
Make it better.

As your editor, I work with you to shape your writing to be the best it can be. I find out what you need, whether it’s structural assessment, grammatical fine-tuning or general marketability. I provide written feedback on the sentence level as well as a more global response to give you guidance and direction on where to go next with your writing and how to get there.

Catharine offered line edits, organizational flow suggestions and wise guidance about navigating the complex feelings and risks of self-disclosure.

I was thrilled with the whole editing process, and feel so much more confident now about my work.

Catharine worked with me to create a brochure for my business. She helped me distill the essence of what we have to offer, make it coherent and look beautiful. And, she is fun to work with! I cannot recommend her enough.

Reading and Editing: $115/hour

Phone or Zoom Consult: $150/hour


Get it done with guidance, structure and accountability.

As your book coach, I will be someone you can bounce ideas off, ask questions of, and expect guidance from on the path to completing your book. Writing can be lonely, and having a goal as big and daunting as a book can feel overwhelming. I provide guidance, accountability, and structure to help you move toward your goals with me at your side, cheering you on while expecting full participation of your best self.

What you get:

One one-hour phone or zoom call each week to plan, review progress, discuss current challenges, and provide feedback. At the end of each call, I will be sure you know what you want to focus on during the coming week.

Discussion of your goals (and timeline if you need it).

Depending on where you are in the process, we can talk about your ideas and transform them into an outline.

  • Once the schedule and outline, are in place, I will assign writing tasks for you each week to move you from outline to manuscript.
  • As you complete your writing tasks, you can submit your pages to me for feedback. I will provide line edits and global feedback on your work. As we work, you will internalize the tips I give you, providing an opportunity for you to continue to develop your skills as a writer.
  • If you run into blocks, I will be there to help you move through them. You can email me your questions, obstacles and triumphs.

I so appreciate the clarity and multifaceted way that you describe what is needed next and how to go about it. There is so much helpful information in your feedback. All of it feels spot on.”

I cannot thank you enough, Catharine, for all the specifics you’re pointing out, but larger than that, the ways that you are: gentle, supportive, insightful and so aware of how delicate all this is.

“One of the most important lessons I have learned during these awesome months of working with you is that this is the book I was meant to write.”

“Thank you so much for sharing your brilliant command of the art of storytelling.”


Make a commitment to your project and your creativity. Sign up for the monthly plan to provide both incentive and momentum to make progress toward your goals. This program creates a fluid and open structure for our work together because we do not have to limit hours spent on feedback. And finally, you know exactly how much you are investing each month. This plan includes four one-hour calls each month in addition to up to 10,000 words (40 pages) of written work submitted for editing and feedback.
Monthly rate: $997 (Payment due at the beginning of the month.)

Not ready for the fast track? Just want to dip your toe in? We can work together on an hourly basis.

Phone or Zoom call hourly rate: $150

Reading and Editing hourly rate: $115


Discover the hidden treasures of your heart

As your writing guide, I will assist you in tapping into your inner wisdom to reveal insights, create clarity and find peace. This writing work promotes deep healing and self-acceptance.

In our initial one-hour meeting, we will explore what you need to unearth and unburden. Based on what I learn, I will identify your unique writing pathway and create writing prompts to guide you on your way. Each month, I will email you two prompts per week. At the end of each month we will assess your progress and plan your next steps.

This program includes:

  • A one-hour consultation by phone or Zoom in which we explore what you would like to express, grieve, discover.
  • Writing prompts tailor-made for your healing journey emailed to you twice a week.
  • A 30-minute call at the end of each month to assess your progress and plan your next steps.

Catharine has helped me use writing to learn about myself.
But more than that, she has invited me to be the writer I am.

Gentle, intuitive and inquiring, Catharine listens well. I trust her to help me use writing to discover hidden treasures of the heart.

One-Month Package: $347

Three-Month Package:  $947